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How Users Read Content on Websites

How Do Users Read Content on Websites?

Content is central to building a positive digital image of a brand or company and is one of the most powerful ways to build relationships with your business users. However, creating content that can be consumed to the maximum by users is another thing that must be considered. 

In this article, we will discuss some relevant information about digital content, especially content for websites. We find this information and learn from various sources, and we also practice it to help our clients.

Before determining the content you want to create, there are several things that need to be asked, for example as follows:

  1. When you first see the website, where is the main focus of the website users' eyes?
  2. What affects users' eye focus movements and where do their eyes move?
  3. Is it possible to influence the user's eye focus to suit the business objectives?

Once you can answer these questions, then you can start creating the content you want. There are several theories that you can use as a basis for content creation, such as theories from research published on the Nielsen Norman Group website.

The first theory is The F Pattern theory. The findings in this theory are taken from various research results using eye tracking software, saying that;

  1. The first time a user views a page on a website, the user's eyes move horizontally across the content at the top;
  2. Next, their eyes will drop slightly and then read in a horizontal motion as well;
  3. Finally, their eyes will scan the left side of the content vertically. This movement forms the stem of the letter F.

In addition to The F Pattern theory, there is a second theory, namely the Z Pattern. The Z Pattern itself has many characters in common with the F Pattern, with a pattern that forms the letter Z. However, usually the Z Pattern is suitable for creating content on website landing pages. You can direct the eyes of your website users to focus on one end point, namely the call to action button.

Another theory reveals how people read when they are exposed to a piece of writing. Usually when someone reads an article, they will pair or combine 2 to 4 words at a time. Then they will turn each word combination into a meaning. Reading a fairly long text is a complex activity and requires energy to do so. Therefore usually after reading quite a lot, the eyes and head will feel tired.

Source: Nielsen norman group research


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