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8 Important Roles of Data Science for Your Business

8 Important Roles of Data Science for Your Business

In the business world, data are facts that are collected collectively during business processes. This fact can be used to estimate and record various business activities, both internal and external. 

However, in order to be able to manage data optimally, you need to apply data science. Learn the use of data science to increase business effectiveness through the following discussion.

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What is data science

Data science is the process of constructing, correcting, and compiling data sets to analyze and extract meaning. Don't mistake it for data analytics, which is the act of analyzing and interpreting data. These processes have a lot in common and both are valuable in the workplace.

Data science requires you to:

  • Form hypothesis
  • Run experiments to collect data
  • Assess data quality
  • Correct and simplify data sets
  • Organize and structure data for analysis

Data scientists often write algorithms — in coding languages ​​like SQL and R — to collect and analyze big data. When properly designed and thoroughly tested, algorithms can catch information or trends that humans miss. They can also significantly speed up the data collection and analysis process.

Advantages of Data Science for Business

There are at least 5 main advantages of data science in business:

  • Reduce risk and fraud

Data scientists are trained to be able to identify data that stands out in several ways. They build statistical, network, pathway, and big data methodologies to model predictive fraud tendencies and use them to create alerts that help ensure a timely response, when they encounter inappropriate data.

  • Provide relevant products

One of the advantages of data science is that companies can find out when and where their products sell best. This can help offer the right product at the right time — as well as develop new products to meet customer needs.

  • Personalized customer experience

One of the most valuable benefits of data science is the ability of sales and marketing teams to understand their audience on a very granular level. With this knowledge, companies can create the best possible customer experience .

  • Increase security

You can also use data science to improve business security and protect sensitive information. For example, banks use complex machine learning algorithms to detect fraud based on deviations from customers' general financial activities. These algorithms can uncover fraud faster and with higher accuracy than humans, due to the large volume of data generated every day.

Even if you don't work at a bank, algorithms can be used to protect sensitive information through an encryption process. Learning about data privacy can ensure your company doesn't misuse or share sensitive customer information, including credit card details, medical information, social security numbers, and contact information.

It is the combination of algorithms and human judgment that can bring businesses one step closer to higher levels of security and ethical (ethical) use of data. 

  • Predicting Future Market Trends

Collecting and analyzing data on a larger scale can allow you to identify emerging trends in your market. Tracking purchase data, celebrities and influencers , as well as search engine queries, can reveal what products people are interested in.

By keeping abreast of the behavior of the market you are targeting, you can make business decisions that will allow you to stay ahead of the business competition.

8 Important Roles of Data Science

Without professional expertise big data can be in vain, this is where the role of data scientists plays.

Without professional expertise big data can be in vain, this is where the role of data scientists plays. (Source: Adobe Photo Images)

Without the professional expertise that turns cutting-edge technology into actionable insights, big data is nothing. Today, more and more companies are opening their doors to big data and its power — as well as data scientists, who know how to get actionable insights from gigabytes of data. 

It's becoming increasingly clear that there is immense value in data processing and analysis — and that's where data scientists come into the spotlight. Corporate executives already know that data science is a “sexy” industry, and how data scientists are like modern-day superheroes, but most are still unaware of the value data scientists have in a company.

Most data scientists in the industry are proficient and trained in statistics, mathematics, and computer science. Their experience is broad horizon which also extends to data visualization, data mining and information management. It is very common for them to have prior experience in infrastructure design, cloud computing, and data warehousing.

Here are 8 ways how data scientists can add value to your business using data science: 

1. Empowering Management to Make the Best Decisions 

An experienced data scientist is likely to become a trusted advisor and strategic partner to the company's top management by ensuring that staff maximize their analytical skills. 

A data scientist communicates and demonstrates the value of divisional data to facilitate a better decision-making process across the company, through measuring, tracking, and recording performance metrics and other information.

2. Direct Action Based on Trends

A data scientist examines and explores company data, after which they will recommend and determine specific actions that will help improve division performance, engage customers better, and ultimately increase profitability. This will ultimately help in determining your business goals. 

3. Challenging Staff To Adopt Best Practices

One of the responsibilities of a data scientist is to ensure that staff understand and understand the company's analytics products. They prepare staff for success by demonstrating the effective use of systems to extract insights and suggest actions. Once staff understand product capabilities, their focus can shift to critical issues only, to address key business challenges.

4. Identifying Opportunities 

During their interactions with the company's current analytics systems, data scientists will question existing processes and assumptions for the purpose of developing additional methods and analytical algorithms. Their job requires them to constantly increase the value derived from company data.

5. Decision Making with Measurable Evidence

With the arrival of data scientists , the collection and analysis of data from multiple channels has ruled out the need to take high risks. Data scientists create models using existing data that simulate various potential actions — this way, companies can learn which pathways will deliver the best business results.

6. Testing This Decision 

Half of the business battle involves making certain decisions and implementing those changes. What about the other half? It is very important to know how the decision has affected the company. This is where a data scientist comes into play. It's a good idea to have someone who can measure the key metrics associated with important changes and measure their success.

7. Target Audience Identification and Purification 

From Google Analytics to customer surveys, most companies will have at least one source of customer data collected. But if it's not used well — for example, to identify demographics — the data will be useless. 

The importance of data science is based on the ability to take existing data, (which is not always useful on its own “on its own”), and combine it with other data points to generate insights that companies can use to learn more about their customers and audiences.

A data scientist can help identify key groups with precision, through thorough analysis of different data sources. With this in-depth knowledge, companies can tailor services and products for customer groups, and help profit margins to grow.

8. Hiring the Right Talent For The Company  

Reading resumes all day long is a daily chore in a recruiter ( HRD ) life, but that has changed because of big data . With the amount of information available about talent — via social media, company databases, and job search websites — data scientists can drill down through all of these data points to find the candidate best suited to the company's needs.

By “mining” the vast amounts of data already available, internal processing for resumes and applications — and even sophisticated data-driven aptitude tests and games — data science can help your hiring team make faster and more accurate choices.


Nothing is perfect, data science seems to be a kind of general term that does not contain any specific definition or is commonly called ambiguous. Due to this deficiency, many companies are not familiar with this term and cannot use it for the betterment of their company.

Another major drawback of data science is that it requires deep knowledge to apply it, because it relies heavily on knowledge of domain types. This weakness will put the company in a confusing situation and create certain obstacles in the company's progress. 

However, when compared to just these two disadvantages, the advantages that can be obtained from data science are clearly much more. 

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, data science can also add value to any business that can make good use of its data. From statistics and insights across workflows and recruiting new candidates, to helping senior staff make more informed decisions. So, data science is very valuable for any company in any industry.

Reference: What is Data Science by Harvard Business School


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