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API: Full Explanation, Types, and How It Works

Developing an application is not an easy and time consuming job. But what if developers got access to those basic elements so they didn't have to start from scratch? This is the role of the API in assisting application development.

In this article, you will learn about what an API is, how it works, benefits, and examples.

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What are APIs?

API or Application Programming Interface is an interface that acts as a liaison between one application and another application either on the same platform or cross-platform. 

This breakthrough allows developers to develop applications based on other existing applications. In other words, APIs help developers to develop applications more quickly and efficiently.

API is also a technology that allows you to use the one-click login/signup feature using a Google account, Facebook, and so on in various applications.


When you use an application on a computer or cellphone, the application will connect you to the internet and send data to a server. The server will then take the necessary action and send the results back to your device.

The application then converts that data into readable information. The whole process is called the Application Programming Interface.

The API itself can also be used to communicate with a variety of different programming languages, which of course will greatly facilitate developers in developing applications. In addition, developers can also retrieve data that is already available on other platforms without the need to provide all the data themselves.

Types of API

There are four types of APIs categorized based on their access rights:

1. Private API

Private API is a programming interface that is not open to the public. In general, this type was created to meet the needs of internal application development. This type acts as an interface on the front end that is used to access data and application functions on the back end. 

2. Public API

Public API, also known as open API, is a programming interface that can be accessed by the public. Developers can access the programming system behind an application or web service through public APIs to develop their own applications more quickly.

3. Partner API

Partner API is a type of interface that can be accessed by certain parties who have been appointed as business partners from the owner of the application or web service. This type is not publicly available and requires certain credentials to access it.

4. Composite API

Composite API is a type of interface that consists of a combination of various types of data from various servers and hosting in one place. This type of API is very useful for developers because they can access a lot of information in one place.

Benefits of API

Here are the benefits of API in developing applications and websites? 

1. Reduce Server Workload

The use of APIs allows developers to store only some of the data required by the application or website on their servers. Instead, developers can request data directly from the source application server. Thus, your server does not need to be burdened with full data size.

In addition, this can also reduce the risk of the website being inaccessible because the server is down .

2. Accelerate Application Development

Using APIs can increase efficiency in developing an application because developers do not need to connect two applications directly. Of course this is very helpful, especially for developers who develop cross-platform applications.

If you are developing a website for ordering food online, then you automatically need to update the prices and availability of the menu. With the help of the API, you don't have to do that because everything is handled automatically.

3. Improve Application Functionality

Availability of APIs can also help improve the efficiency and functionality of a website or application without the need to add data manually.

This function plays an important role in the development of super apps such as Grab, Gojek, or Shopee that require maps for transportation and food delivery services.

With the public data provided by Google Maps, the application developers do not need to create their own maps. They just need to connect their super app with existing map data on Google Maps via API.

API Architecture

There are three types of architecture that are most commonly used by application developers. These three types of architecture are distinguished by the type of data sent. Here are three types of API architecture.

1. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

RPC is an interface architecture that is useful for simplifying communication between client side applications and server side applications .

There are two types of RPC, namely XML-RPC and JSON-RPC. As the name suggests, XML-RPC uses XML as a data transfer medium and JSON-RPC uses data transfer via JSON.

2. Representational State Transfer (REST)

REST is one of the most widely used architectures due to its ease of deployment and use. This architecture uses JSON as the data transfer format. JSON itself is a lighter format, thus improving application performance.

3. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

SOAP architecture uses XML format as a data transfer medium, so that all data can be stored in one document.

How the API Works

The main function of the Application Programming Interface is as an intermediary that connects applications from the client side with applications from the server side. Check out the following illustration of how the API works.

How API works

1. Application Access API

When you access information on an application, the application will access related service data. For example, when you order a cinema ticket through an application such, the application will access data from the connected cinema server.

2. API Make Request to Server

After the application successfully accesses the API, the request will be forwarded to the server. So, booking applications such as do not retrieve data from their servers, but from the cinema servers.

3. Server Responds to Request

After receiving the request and translating it, the server will look for the requested data. Once the data is found, the server will return information such as showtimes, seat availability, ticket prices, and so on to the API to be passed to the application.

4. API Forward Response to Application

After the data is received by the API, the next step is to pass the information on to the user application. Well, most ticket purchasing applications have collaborated with various cinemas, so you can get information from various locations in one application.

API Example

The following are some examples of very popular APIs used for website and application development :

1. Google Maps API

Google Maps is one of the most popular data providers used by applications ranging from transportation to hospitality. This Google-made map application also supports various features such as distance calculation, route selection, and notification of congestion conditions.

Using the Google Maps API will make it easier for developers to incorporate these features into their own applications without needing to have their own data. Of course, this will make it easier for pioneering developers to build more functional applications more quickly and efficiently.

2. Facebook API

As a social media with various features, Facebook also provides an API to make it easier for developers to integrate their account usage into other applications and web services. 

In general, the Facebook API is used to enable features such as 'Log in with Facebook' and display Facebook profiles in various places such as websites, online stores, and so on.

3. Skyscanner Flight Search

Skyscanner API is an interface that can be used to search flight schedules and prices from the Skyscanner database. In addition, Skyscanner can also get prices directly from airline agencies.

4. IMDb

The IMDb API is generally used to access data about films such as actor names, roles, showtimes, ratings, and so on. This data is often used by movie review websites and apps.

5. WordPress REST API

WordPress is the world's most popular CMS and website builder used by hundreds of millions of websites on the internet. As an open-source program , WordPress provides an API for developers to connect their applications to the WordPress database. This is what makes thousands of plugins possible for WordPress websites today.


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