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13 Tips for Creating Interesting Articles

13 Tips for Creating Interesting Articles

If you want to make readers interested in reading your article, you have to think about the structure of the article and the content of the writing that is interesting and quality for the reader. 

Try to make articles with good quality, informative, and educative so as to make blog visitors continue to increase every day. 

Then how to make interesting and quality articles? Come on, see the article below!

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What is an Article?

An article is a sentence composed by an author with a purpose contained in the article. Everyone has the right to write an article to express their views on something. 

Writing interesting and quality articles is not an easy thing for that we need to practice and have broad insight and views so that creative ideas emerge for us to put into words.

Article Purpose and Benefits

The creation and publication of articles has certain purposes and benefits for the author and the reader. Some of the purposes and benefits of the article are as follows:

  • As a means to convey the author's ideas to the public.
  • As a means of publishing the results of scientific thoughts through scientific journals.
  • Helping writers to think systematically and practice the use of language properly and regularly.
  • Helping writers to understand the purpose of writing so that they are expected to have competence in writing articles.
  • A way to explain or discuss a problem in accordance with a particular field of science.
  • Provide academic impact to the author of the article.

Article Types

In general, there are five types of articles that we often read every day. Referring to the definition of the article above, the types of articles are as follows:

Narrative Articles

This type of article contains stories or events that are told chronologically or in chronological order (beginning, middle, and end). In this type of article there are characters, conflicts, and problem solving. Examples of narrative essays are short stories, saga, biography, autobiography.

Description Articles

A description article is a type of article in the form of an essay that describes something to the reader, so that the reader seems to be able to feel, see, and hear the contents of the description.

Exposition Articles

An exposition article is a type of article whose contents explain or provide information about a topic in order to increase the knowledge of the reader. Exposition articles are usually accompanied by pictures, graphics, and other supporting information.

Argument Articles

An argumentative article is an essay whose purpose is to prove the truth of an opinion by presenting data/facts as reasons. An argumentative article usually contains elements of opinion and data, as well as facts to support the opinion.

Persuasion Articles

A persuasive article is information whose content aims to influence the reader so that they are willing to do something according to what the author says. 

Articles like this are widely used in campaigns, such as the anti-drug campaign, which explains about the dangers of drugs.

How to Create Interesting Articles

Actually making an article is not that difficult as long as you know how. Then how to make an interesting article? Here are some tips that you can do to write an article:

Look for Ideas

The most important thing in writing an article is to find ideas for your article content that can create interesting articles for readers. All great things start with an idea.

Interesting ideas can be found anywhere and anytime, it can be when you are relaxing, it can be from reading articles and references to other people's writing, or it can be when you are interacting with other people. Every idea that comes up is very valuable, don't forget to record these ideas in a notepad.

To find inspiration for writing ideas, especially writing blog articles, you can do several things as well, such as opening social media, watching movies or YouTube, reading other people's blogs or articles and much more, which you can also read here .

Determine Interesting Topic

How to make the next article is to determine the topic. After getting an idea, determine an interesting topic for your article. In choosing a topic you must be able to determine carefully.

Try not only to choose an interesting topic, but also to choose a topic that is informative and educative for the reader. Interesting topics can also be from things that are viral or trending lately. For example, about the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which is currently being discussed on various platforms.

Or it could be about a topic that has never been discussed but seems like it would be fun to explore further. Here you need to be creative to determine the topic of the article to be written.

Determine Article Title

The title is a determinant of whether our articles will be read or not by the readers. A good title is that there is a clear subject, object and predicate, but this is rarely done by bloggers because it is considered too long and cannot attract readers. 

Write a title that can make the reader curious about the content of your article, for example “5 Tips for Mastering Creating Articles in a Month” with a title like this emphasizes that readers can master writing articles in just a short way and time.

Also, if you want to make your articles more interesting, you should use at least one unique word. This word refers to Secrets, Tips & Tricks, Reasons, Facts, Lessons, Ideas, and so on. Such words will appeal to the readers.

Oh yes, keep in mind, how to make an interesting article even the title is important, but don't click bait that contains hoaxes. Make sure your title is relevant to the article you are writing.

Write in a language you understand

Easy-to-understand writing is a post written by an author who masters or understands the content of the article. Quality articles have more detailed, clear, in-depth content, and are also easy to understand. Write articles in understandable language. Do not write information that "deviates" from the theme or title written.

Do Research

Articles are non-fiction essays based on events or events that are currently happening. Unlike fiction in the form of short stories or prose, you have to do some research first. 

How to make a good article can be based on statistical data, quotes from famous authors, popular books, television media, and others. Also make sure you provide information on references or sources that are included in the article reference section.

Open with Interesting Sentences

A good opening sentence can make the reader continue to read the article to the end. The opening sentence in the article should not be too long, insert questions that make the reader curious. 

Write the initial sentence that makes the reader curious because this can attract the reader to read your article further.

Post Interesting Images

Giving an image is one way to decorate your article. Images make your article more colorful so that it can reduce reader saturation. Keep in mind, that the image in the article must be adjusted to the content of your article. In addition, if you want to include images in articles from other sources, don't forget to include the source too!

Use Heading

Headings are very important for readers. Heading functions to arrange heading and subheading levels on the website. Headings make it easier for readers to understand the information from your article because website visitors don't always read all the text in your article. 

In a blog using heading tags can make it easier for Google and other search engines to index your writing. In addition, it also makes it easier for readers to come to your blog. Headings also make it easier for users to sort pages more quickly.

Fill With Quality Content

Write content that is accurate in conveying information. Provide clear data and facts when writing an article. Articles do not have to be long, the most important thing is that all information can be conveyed properly and correctly and use the words "you" "you" "us" to make it look familiar to the reader.

Create memorable content for readers so that they will come back to read your article and recommend it to their friends.

To create interesting and quality content for blogs, you can do several things, such as content that is up to date, and which must be original, and much more.

Close Articles With Memorable Sentences

When making an interesting opening sentence, the closing sentence must also be memorable for the reader. At the end of the article you can also make conclusions that make it easier for readers to take the essence of your article.

In addition, the author also suggests several things to do, or invites readers to share their opinions or comments on how the content of the article is, is it interesting or useful and so on.

Do a Check or Editing Process

Checking or editing is not only aimed at sharpening the content of the article with a certain language style, but also making the article interesting. Writing must meet all requirements, be informative, clear and easy to read. When finished, the writing must be checked for linguistic aspects. It doesn't stop there, the writing is re-tested in the proof reading process to minimize the risk of errors in writing.

Placing the Appropriate Keywords

Finally, how to create an article that needs to be considered is to make sure to place the appropriate keywords or keywords in the article. These keywords must be embedded in the title and description of the article. 

If you are writing articles for blogs, make sure the appropriate keywords must be embedded in the title and description of the article because this will affect On Page SEO

This is one of the SEO tricks. By placing keywords, search engines like Google, Bing, and so on will find it easier to find your articles. To determine keywords, you can use the tools provided by Google, for example Google Keyword Planner.

Optimize SEO

Another thing you need to do in how to create articles for business needs is optimizing SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Following the rules of SEO makes articles easier to find in search engines. Thus, using SEO techniques in article creation is very important, especially for business needs. 

Those are some tips on how to write articles and what to pay attention to so that you can produce good writing and lead readers to read to the end. Of course, to make it more perfect, you have to get used to writing and enriching writing sources from several articles on the internet as writing references. 

Thanks for reading!


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