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5 Tips For Choosing An Office

5 Tips For Choosing An Office

Frequently a company requires an office for operations. An advantage of having an office is that it makes it easier to supervise employees in the company while working.

In choosing an office you need to consider several things. Having an office building that is comfortable and can be used for a long time is the dream of all companies. Therefore, company leaders need to think about this very carefully.

Owning a building does require a lot of money, but if you don't have the capital to buy a building, you can rent a smaller building to use as an office.

Limited capital is a challenge for those of you who want to have the right office.

For those of you who currently have a business and want to have a company office, feel lucky to have found this article.

In this article we will tell you tips for choosing an office. Let's read the article below to the end!

1. Strategic Location

It is obligatory to have an office in the most strategic location. The important criteria for a strategic office location are being around residential areas or congested areas, major roads or highways, close to where customers live and access to mobility for both employees and customers.

Office buildings that have easy travel access will bring in more customers in the future. You can easily find strategic places, by choosing a popular place/region/region. Basically, popular places will have dense mobility access because there are lots of public transportation, toll roads and so on.

2. Area

The next tip for choosing the right office is to carefully consider the area of ​​​​the office you need. The area of ​​​​the office that you will use must adjust to your business needs.

The first step you can take is to plan how many human resources will operate in the office environment, the width of the warehouse that your business needs, the ideal living room or showroom or front office, a negotiation room with proportional clients and several other important rooms.

3. Security

The third tip for choosing an office is to choose an office building that is located in a safe area. Security inside and outside the building. 

For security inside the building, you must pay attention to the security system, office entrance security, and so on. As for those outside the office, you must pay attention to the security unit on duty in the area around the office, guard outside the building, household neighbors and other businesses as well as the criminal situation in the local environment.

You can get information about office security and the environment by asking people who have lived there first, asking security officers and paying close attention to yourself.

4. Rental Price

It is undeniable that the price is one of the first things you see when looking for an office space. Make sure that the price you pay is in accordance with the facilities available in the office building and in the environment around the office such as parking and others.

Don't just look for a place that offers very cheap prices but the facilities provided are cheap. Avoid rents that are too high because over time the company can upgrade the office for the better.

It is obligatory to always bargain for a lower price before making a deal with the owner of the building.

5. Clear Lease Contract

Office building rental scams are on the rise. Fraud cases are influenced by the less observant tenants in reading the contract. Look at the rental contract carefully. Make the rental agreement you want. Read all the terms and conditions for the facilities provided.

Here are some tips that will help you find the right company office. For those of you who haven't considered the five tips above, try applying them. Hope it is useful!


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